Workshop Artway

Funcionarte Corp develops two art workshops in partnership with Survivors' Pathway Organization

Growing together is an art workshop to empower and heal Latinx domestic violence survivors, focused in painting and photography which will help participants to develop awareness of their psychic material and reprogramming it: making the transition from the feeling of being a victim to the feeling of being someone who is again strong enough to confront life, a survivor. This art workshop is designed to make a positive change in the participant's life, to help them with their reintegration to society but also as a meeting point of reflection, dialogue, to express your feelings, emotions and personal experiences with an emphasis on unsolved traumatic situations and ideas. Art is a way to heal and to close emotional wounds. My own movie art workshop for the prevention of gender-based violence for children, teenagers and young adults, of different ethnicities, sexual preferences and genders. The art workshop combines education on gender-based violence with the learning of audiovisual techniques, intended to the making of short films focused on prevention and awareness of the problem from their own perspectives and with the students as main characters of the production.